Puppet Show: The Very Late Christmas Present by Carl Sprague

January 27, 2024 @ –
Opalka Gallery

Carl Sprague’s fascination with storytelling through design began when, as a young child, he became enthralled by the family tradition of puppetry. His great grandfather passed down a handmade puppet theater, and his grandmother taught him puppet craftsmanship, setting the stage for a life of creative pursuits. This served him well when he got involved in theater at Harvard, where he began as an actor and director but started building his own sets when he couldn’t find anyone else to do it.
He continues the tradition by caring for that original marionette theater and conducting puppet shows using a theater he designed as an eight-year old boy. That puppet theater will be on display and Sprague will perform a puppet show in the gallery during the run of the show.

Patrick Dodson
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