Republishing Guidelines

As an independent not-for-profit media organization, Albany Proper publishes certain content under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. This means you can republish select articles online or in print for free, provided you follow these guidelines and contact us for permission:
1. You must give us credit, ideally in this format: “by Firstname Lastname, Albany Proper.”
2. If you publish online, you must include the links from the story, and a link to
3. It’s fine to change the text to suit your in-house grammar style only.
4. If you make changes that are more significant than style tweaks — such as adding your own reporting — you need to include a note like this: “Additional reporting by Your Reporter.”
5. You can publish our photos only as they appear within the stories with which they were originally published. Occasionally we license photos from outside sources. In those instances, you must secure permissions from those sources if you choose to include them when republishing.
6. When possible, include the following text at the end: Published in collaboration with Albany Proper, a not-for-profit independent newsroom covering social interest topics within New York’s capital city.
7. If you share the story on social media, you must mention @albproper in your post (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram).
8. Don’t sell the story — disable your paywall for the story.
9. Don’t sell ads within the story. Ads that already exist around your site are not affected.
10. We reserve the right to modify these rules and reach out to you for further clarifications. We reserve the right to seek removal of a story upon request.