January Troy Storytelling Open Mic

January 10, 2024 @ –
Lucas Confectionery

Theme: Just like that!
Hosted by Julia Cadieux

January can be a hard month. The dark, cold days can make us feel stagnant. Some of us will make and break our new year’s resolutions. Some of us will set goals and put in the work knowing we won’t see the payoff for quite some time. This month we want to be inspired by stories of change and growth. Was there a time you came to see yourself or a loved one in a completely new way? Did an experience or unexpected event bring sweeping change into your life? Did you shoot for the stars and…miss? What dreams have you dreamed? What seeds have you planted? Have you pushed yourself to make a change that was difficult but necessary? Did change came slowly or overnight? Hope that gets the creative juices flowing. Can’t wait to hear your stories!

Patrick Dodson
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