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Shine a Light for Darryl

August 31, 2022 @ –
High Rock Park Center

Join us Wednesday, August 31st 6-8pm as we commemorate the life of Darryl Mount on the 9 year anniversary of his deadly encounter with Saratoga Police Department. We will be coming together enjoying food with our community, listening to music, speeches, and shedding a light on Darryl.

Darryl Mount is the reason we continue to fight. He sustained blunt forced trauma to his face after SSPD claimed he fell from scaffolding during a foot pursuit. Darryl’s injuries were consistent with not a fall, but a beating; leaving him in a coma for the next 9 months until his tragic death. 9 years later and there still has been no internal investigation or peace for Darryl and his family. Darryl Mount should be here. #whydiddarryldie #justicefordarrylmount

Patrick Dodson
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