The Ukraine War

January 6, 2023 @ –
313 10th St
Troy, NY 12180-1618
United States

The Ukraine War
Scott Ritter

SCOTT RITTER is an external Contributor to Energy Intelligence. He is a former US Marine Corps Intelligence Officer whose service over a 20-plus-year career included tours of duty in the former Soviet Union implementing arms control agreements, serving on the staff of US Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf during the Gulf War and later as a Chief Weapons Inspector with the UN in Iraq from 1991-98. His latest book is Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika


Dan Kovalik

Dan Kovalik graduated from Columbia Law School in 1993, and currently teaches International Human Rights at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. He served as in-house counsel for the United Steelworkers for 26 years. He is the author of many books including The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela, How the US Is Orchestrating a Coup for Oil, which includes a Foreword by Oliver Stone.. He just returned from a trip to Donetsk.

The James Connolly Forum
7pm, Friday, January 6, 2023
Oakwood Community Center
313 10th St., Troy, NY
located left off 787 Collar City Bridge, Rte 7, at 2nd light
Parking, make left on 10th, then first right at old firehouse
Donation of $5 requested, $2 unemployed and students
more information: 518 407 3582
labor donated
Co-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace
and the United Anti-war Coalition(UNAC)

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